Friday, July 4, 2008

Sleep and Rejuvenation on the 4th

I awoke this morning after a deep sleep. I had not realized fully up until that point that my body was truly fatigued. I needed a day off just to catch up on sleep....thank goodness for the holiday. For most of the day I have just simply allowed myself to rest. I have some performance evaluations to finish but decided that my body needed some rejuvenation in order to be at my best in completing them.

It's a sad testament that so many of us work on holidays when we should be taking the day off as intended. Pressing deadlines, work backlogs, and excessive commitments make us feel guilty for taking off on a much deserved off day. The irony is that to truly be productive and ultimately successful we have to take this time. Sometimes when we are in overwhelm mode we just have to STOP! That's sounds somewhat counter intuitive. But believe me it is true and it works. I am wagering that I will do much better over the next few days in completing my remaining performance evaluations.

For now, I am going to enjoy the rest of the July 4th holiday. Happy 4th!

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