Sunday, April 22, 2007

Working on a Cloudy Sunday

Today I awoke to cloudy skies which surprised me given yesterday's sunny demeanor. Yet it seemed somewhat appropriate as this was scheduled as a work day to complete a merger project. I got up to get ready and noticing that Sydney, my pit bull was not near, I called her. She had taken up residence in one of the bedrooms snuggled in bed. Doesn't she know dogs do not sleep in people beds? I guess not (smile). She saw that I was up and followed me for the morning ritual.

I was the first to arrive at work. The others followed and soon we were all in sync to get the job done. What teamwork and dedication! The staff did not break for lunch until 2:30 p.m. I went to Subway to pick up sandwiches and cookies as an extra treat. We finished around 4:00 p.m. Mission accomplished!

Some might be resentful of working on a Sunday when it is not a normal work day. Not me. I enjoyed the challenge of a special project and was invigorated. This merger project was difficult but as I was driving home I felt such a sense of achievement at completing this major piece. It was exhilarating!

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