Just imagine.....a little over a week ago few had heard of Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska and Republican Vice President nominee. We were introduced to her as a self-described "hockey mom." And now with much interest I have read all of the news that you can't miss about her seventeen year old pregnant unwed daughter. I guess it's big news for someone who is a vice presidential candidate but come on.....this kind of thing has been going on for years! In fact, I am amused as to how much press it has garnered.
As others have said, what does her pregnant daughter have to do with what kind of vice president she will make? Certainly, how she reacts speaks to character and values.......but can you really tie her daughter's decisions to Governor Palin's integrity? I think not. In my mind, it is much wasted news coverage and gives the appearance of high school gossip. It is a shame that his is even considered "news."
What might be more productive is to discuss how we help society at large with assisting unwed mothers to help themselves. How can we provide more education and resources to aid in prevention? And how can we help those who are already pregnant craft a good life for mother and child? These are the conversations that we should be discussing.
I can speak first hand about this subject. I was an unwed mother at seventeen having become pregnant at sixteen. I was fortunate to have two supportive parents and extended family (cousins, aunts, friends) to help me. I went to community college (called junior college in my day) and I obtained my Associates degree. I was blessed to find a job that I am still on 29 years later as a senior officer. Yes, I worked hard but I was also afforded many opportunities. Sadly, my story is more the exception than the norm for an unwed mother. I would like to see more stories like mine be the norm.
Instead of focusing on 17 and pregnant, why not have some dialogue about how to use this situation to inspire change to help other unwed mothers have the support that Governor Palin pledges to her daughter, Bristol?