I just read a blog on the Wall Street Journal discussing the mandatory 35 hour work week limit in France. Now that's work life balance! Currently there is a bill being drafted by the President to scrap these limits citing that it would increase France's economic growth. As you can imagine, labor unions are in an uproar about it.
While a 35 hour work week may not be optimal for global competitiveness, a 60 hour work week is also just as detrimental. In a survey on the WSJ's Juggle blog, it reflected that 36% working 50 or more hours per week. 34% work 40-50 hours per week. Only 18% work about 40 hours per week. Another piece to this puzzle is taking regular vacations. There is a positive link between risk of death for middle aged men with a risk of heart disease if annual vacations are taken. For women failing to take a similar break from work can yield increased psychological health risks.
I'm proud to say that for the past three years, I have taken a 8 to 10 day vacation annually. Along with this schedule, I take various one-three day breaks and often build in a day or two break with business travel. I travel on business four to five times per year. From a work week perspective, I have some improvement to do here. I normally rack up 45 to 50 hours per week. If you count some of my work at home time it is probably 50-60 hours per week. I'm afraid to count the hours at home!
We've got to get back to a reasonable work week. Personally, my goal is 45 hours. Can a self-proclaimed workaholic make it to this limit?